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Jayne in her world

These are some of my favorite links!  I hope you will enjoy them too!


Jayne's Cabin Rental Info

Jayne's Truckee Cabin


Western Sea Kayakers


 Finisar Finisar Corporation

Bay Area Guided Hikes (birding, wildflowers, kids hikes)

Great direct links to hikes and activities in the Bay Area.  Looking for something to do on a Sunday...Click here and find a fun hike...It's what I do!

chapter flowerCalifornia Native Plant Society: Santa Clara Valley Chapter - Blazing Star

Openspace.orgMidpeninsula Regional Open Space Preserve - Activities

Parks & Recreation BannerSanta Clara County Parks - Outdoor Activities

East Bay Regional Park DistrictEast Bay Regional Parks - Events

Santa Clara Valley Audubon SocietySanta Clara Valley Audobon Society - trips

Friends Websites

Blah, Blah, Blah about my friends and their websites.